Monday, May 5, 2008

Les Freres Coen

I'm running out of steam kiddos.
So I'm going to leave you with this quote:

The Coens are clever directors who know too much about movies and too little about real life.
—Emanuel Levy, Cinema of Outsiders

and have you discuss.


Michael said...

Well, i think it is a similar quote to Klob's "Style -o-v-e-r- and substance." They show their mastery of cinematography, editing, framing; all aspects of making a movie. However, they have yet to make a film that actually reflects the real world, not that it is a bad thing.

Kari said...

That is an interesting quote Anniessa! That is one of the most controversial topics on the Coen Brothers. Just like what Michael said with Klob's quote "style over substance"; it definitely makes you think about where they are coming from.